Archive | October, 2012

10 Things your customers wish you knew about them

31 Oct

Great infographic, with some strong insights: let’s not forget that 15 minutes in paradise is better than 5 minutes in hell!

The last one is especially good too – raising the issue of money, in fact grounding the whole relationship on money and price can all too easily backfire if the outcome is to condition the customer into overly focusing on the cost.

10 Things your customers wish you knew about them [INFOGRAPHIC].

Barclays’ employees to be rewarded on good customer service

30 Oct

Interesting! “the key to Barclays’ long-term success is the level of service we provide, not how many products we sell” – will affect bonus pay, 100% by the looks of it. 
File under “sign of the times”! – Employees to be rewarded on good customer service.

Apple’s Tim Cook shows ruthless streak in firing executives, and insight into Apple culture

30 Oct

Fascinating analysis of today’s Apple news, especially this paragraph:

“The departure …. will come as a relief to many in Apple’s stores: staff disliked the measures he tried to put in place (until reversed by Cook) of making them profit-driven – something that they disliked in a culture which for 10 years had thrived on simply offering good customer service”.

via Apple’s Tim Cook shows ruthless streak in firing maps and retail executives | Technology |

Porsche’s battle to improve customer service and the Net Promoter Score | Econsultancy

30 Oct

Nice article, good quote too, that strikes at the heart of NPS mythology – “Really the NPS doesn’t have much business value, it’s just an indication of the customer’s view at that moment in time. The real business value comes from the words people use in their verbatim answers.”

Porsche’s battle to improve customer service and the Net Promoter Score | Econsultancy.

Australia’s ‘shonkiest’ products named and shamed

30 Oct

Consumer watchdog Choice, which runs the annual Shonky Awards to highlight “unscrupulous” products, that mislead consumers named eight lemons on this year’s list. A classic list of take-your-breath away over-claims!

via Australia’s ‘shonkiest’ products named and shamed.

How treating your employees like turtles can smother innovation | Fast Company

29 Oct

Good stuff… the challenge = “Despite all the cries for more innovation we routinely hear in many companies, the truth we too often find is that most organizations have overlaid a pastiche of initiatives on top of a command-and-control structure designed for a mass production era”. The outcome? We act like turtles, and that’s not good.

How Treating Your Employees Like Turtles Can Smother Innovation | Fast Company.

CX Journey: What’s Your Customer Effort (Score)?

29 Oct

Good piece from Annette Franz Gleneicki on the Customer Effort metric, a fast growing idea, that essentially is about “ease of doing business”.

There’s more good stuff to share on this, the Henley Centre in the UK have done a good analysis on the different TYPES of effort that companies put us consumers through.

In the meantime, the last word from Annette: “My local UPS and FedEx drivers, as well as my mailman, all know my taste in clothes, shoes, home furnishings, etc.! So when it comes to online purchases and returns, I do have a certain set of expectations about the amount of effort I ought to put forth to complete the transactions. This is one of the reasons Amazon tops my list of fav online shopping sites. Effortless. Accurate.Swift. Yes!”

CX Journey: What’s Your Customer Effort (Score)?.

The four riders of the customer experience apocalypse?

29 Oct

What are the major forces that will drive change, create challenges and opportunities in the world of customer experience? Claire Sporton, from Confirmit recently presented at an event and showed four, a handy shortlist:

  • commoditisation
  • channel complexity
  • new entrants
  • rising expectations

What’s missing?

Leadership and Followership, the 4 minute mile and the dancing guy.

29 Oct

This is about leading…and following. Both important, and both tough.

At a recent customer experience conference, one of the speakers told a great story about the great Roger Bannister, the first person to break the the 4 minute mile in 1954.

Before it happened, everyone said it was an impossible, crazy, outrageous goal, a not-in-my-lifetime type of thing. But then, as soon as he did it, his record lasted a mere 46 days before someone else did it, and then in the following year around 350 people broke the four minute mark.

So, a great story, yes, about bars constantly rising and so on, and it all begins with one person. This reminds800px-Iffley_Road_Track,_Oxford_-_blue_plaque me of that great Dancing Guy film, which is a meditation on leading from the front and the art of followership too.  The tough thing is, someone has to lead, but it is also ‘a tough act to follow’. Someone has to have the guts to get up and join in. 

It’s well worth watching and the commentary from Derek Sivers is a super discourse on the role of followership, “an under-appreciated form of leadership”. Enjoy!


The perils of life on the web – great, funny film on Financial Clairvoyance

29 Oct

Great little film, from Belgium, on the data we store – inadvertently – on the web. The serious point? “Be careful – they know a lot about you, more than you think. This is interesting, too, in how this issue may test the limits of “Big Data” – it’s all well and good having the information, and the skills to get it to tell you something about your customer, but will the customer accept the trade-off between personal information and tailored offers? ”